JP DUMINY | A journey of gratitude

South African cricket legend JP Duminy took the world by storm, when he first burst onto the scene in 2008, during what would be his debut test series against Australia.

Over the course of a 9 year international career, the softly spoken and humble Capetonian, would go on to reach the very top of the cricket world. Fame, stardom and the riches of the IPL would surely be the pinnacle of achievement, for him, or any aspiring cricketer.

For JP this wasn’t quite enough and something seemed to be missing from his amazing journey. JP wanted to do more, and give something back to the kids of South Africa, and the game that had served him so well.

In 2015 the JP21 Foundation was set up to inspire enthusiasm for the game in underprivileged areas of the Western Cape. So far the JP21 movement has built 6 cricket pitches, brought cricket to 38 different schools, and given over 2000 kids access to the game they love.

Calling time on his illustrious career in the game, has meant the start of a whole new Journey for JP Duminy. 



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